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09 Jun 2014 By

“Why Whiskey?” some silly folk ask. “Why Not?” comes the indisputable answer, accompanied with a face that says “duh”. But for those of you seeking variety in your replies, allow us to present you some beautiful, even if far-fetched “because(s)”

We nodded along to this entire article, cos we are courteous like that, plus we found no spelling mistakes, but if you must know, we all took turns to cough up a “yeah, riiiiiight.”

Read on at your own risk.


Benefits of Whiskey

By FoodToFitness

Whiskey is a popular alcoholic drink consumed all over the world. It is prepared from grains. Different varieties of whiskey are available providing unique flavour, aroma and elegant colour. It is usually consumed during lunch and dinner thereby providing a soothing taste and effect along with digestion aid. Whiskey has various health and nutritional effects. So, let’s have a look at the health benefits of whiskey.

One serving of whiskey is low in energy and adds only 65 calories. Whiskey contains no traces of fat and cholesterol. It should be taken in moderate quantity.

Whiskey Prevents Cancer

Whiskey is beneficial for preventing cancer. It is high in anti-oxidants which help in restricting the growth of cancer cells. Whiskey contains ellagic acid which is a natural phenol anti-oxidant. It has antiproliferative property which helps in prohibiting the DNA to get in contact with certain cancer causing compounds like nitrosamines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. It also has a chemo protective effect in cellular models as it helps in reducing the oxidation process in the body.

Whiskey Prevents Cold & Flu

Whiskey is known to be beneficial against allergies and cold. It can be used as cough syrup to get relief from itchy throat. Whiskey is most effective when taken along with hot water and lemon. It is advised to consume it in small quantity for better results.

Whiskey Protects the Heart

Whiskey is great for cardiovascular muscles. It helps in preventing blood clot in the arteries thereby reducing the chances of strokes and heart attacks. Whiskey is high in antioxidants which help in restricting the oxidation of low density lipoprotein in the blood which causes heart diseases. It also increases good cholesterol in the body and decreases the fat content in the arteries.

Whiskey Helps in Maintaining Weight

Whiskey can be helpful for the health conscious and obese people. Whiskey provides only few calories and contains zero fat and cholesterol, so there is no risk of chronic diseases caused by trans and saturated fats. It aids digestion and can reduce appetite thereby prohibiting overeating.

Whiskey Enhances Memory

Whiskey helps in making brain activities efficient even in old age. It helps in restricting various diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s. Ethanol helps in the proper functioning of neurons in the brain and keeps them active.

Whiskey Relieves Stress and Anxiety

Whiskey helps in reducing stress and tension in a person. 1 or 2 servings of whiskey is advisable as it relaxes the nerves and slows down brain activities.

Whiskey & Longevity

Moderate drinking can help in increasing the life span and health of a person. Various antioxidants help in fighting diseases and combats signs of aging.


Take me to the SOURCE of this piece of hard-sell.

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